Massage therapy is well-known for delivering many and varied benefits. One of the many benefits of massage therapy is that it supports lowering blood pressure. Research suggests that massage therapy is a natural, non-invasive, and effective way to address high blood pressure concerns.
High blood pressure is a dysfunction in the body’s circulatory system. The force of your blood pushing against your blood vessel walls is consistently too high. High blood pressure becomes a health threat because it increases the workload of the heart and blood vessels, causing them to work harder and less efficiently. Blood pressure measures consistently above normal may increase your risk of having health problems, such as heart disease, heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease.
How Can Massage Help?
Massage therapy can positively affect high blood pressure even beyond a temporary change while you’re receiving a massage. Research shows that the pressure applied during massage therapies positively affects systolic (upper number), diastolic (lower number), and mean arterial blood pressure. Recent studies have proven that massages can actually lower blood pressure in the long term. Some studies have shown that a consistent massage program can maintain and sustain reduced blood pressure.
It is known that massage improves circulation and blood flow. After only 20-30 minutes of massaging the tissues, the body begins to release “feel good” hormones called endorphins that trigger blood vessel relaxation, reducing the intensity of the heart’s pumping action and signaling the adrenal glands to stop producing cortisol, the stress hormone.
As blood flow increases during a massage session, it carries oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to aid in healing the cells of the body. Increased blood flow also helps remove cellular by-products and toxins from tissues with stagnation and congestion due to a lack of circulation.
Massage therapies can also maintain lower cortisol stress hormone levels in the body, as measured by single-treatment reductions in salivary cortisol. As a massage treatment relieves back and neck tension and calms you, it may reduce cortisol levels and boost comforting oxytocin hormone levels, encouraging overall mind and body relaxation and stress reduction.
Furthermore, massage is known to help address anxiousness, improve mood, and lessen irritability, as well as many, many other health-promoting benefits!
Why Not Experience Massage for Yourself?
If you are looking for natural ways to help lower blood pressure, put yourself in the comforting, caring hands of the highly skilled therapists at Silent Moment Massage. Our practitioners are some of the most highly trained, professional, qualified, and empathetic. We’re the premier day spa for massage in Fort Lauderdale, and we invite you to stop by and experience our bodywork, facials, foot massages, and calming atmosphere for yourself.
Many of our offerings and customized treatments are based on ancient healing practices that have been proven over time to restore mind-body harmony. We’ll strategize a personalized care plan from among our many treatments to help achieve your desired wellness goals. Find out why a visit to Silent Moment Massage can be life-changing. Carve out and claim the time for your Silent Moment of self-care!