A variety of factors, such as work, school, relationships, finances, and much more, all add to everyday stress. When stress continues without relief, you can suffer physical and mental exhaustion, decreased activity levels, and loss of interest and joy in life. Taking the necessary steps to reduce and manage stress is essential for overall physical and mental health.
As the demands of life and stress increase, learning how to manage stress with self-care is imperative. Taking a relaxation time-out for self-care can help reduce stress and improve your overall well-being. Employing a stress reduction routine and setting aside time every day to purposely disconnect from the demands life throws your way can help.
Though life may be chaotic and stressful, you can develop and apply techniques that help you live in the “eye of the storm.” The “eye of the storm” is a place where there is calm, centeredness, and balance despite the chaos swirling around you. Here are some tips to help you find your own space to cultivate your calm:
Spend time in nature.
Take a walk in the woods, hike in the mountains, go to a park, or lounge on the beach. Bask in the warm, healing rays of the sun and breathe fresh air into your lungs—it can help you revitalize and re-energize, even if you only have a few minutes to spare. The simple act of stepping outside of your usual environment can be game-changing.
Slow down and be still.
A little break goes a long way. Take five or ten minutes every few hours, and just stop what you’re doing. Put down the phone and walk away from your computer. Sit down or recline on the floor. Ground yourself to the earth. Breathe and clear your mind. Enjoy the still, Silent Moment. Just BE for a little while.
Engage in an electronic and news fast.
Most people are connected to their devices just about 24/7. In many, these devices have become addictive. Can you imagine what it would be like to disconnect for just one day? You probably can’t, but you CAN start with short episodes where you turn off your computer, television, radio, etc., and don’t read the news or watch any media. Most importantly, put your phone, or whatever device you use to connect with most consistently, away for a bit. Take a break—even if it’s just for a few minutes. Start slowly, and work up to turning your devices off for more extended periods. You’ll be surprised at how energizing these “electronic fasts” are!
Get a massage.
Massage can help reduce anxiety and stress, increase circulation, and boost your immune function. Massage can also help improve your mood, focus, and sleep quality. Massage therapy is also a great way to relieve muscle tension and ease physical discomfort. Regular massage treatments can provide an overall sense of well-being and relaxation.
Massage therapy is a self-care activity that can help to reduce tension and create a sense of peace and calm. Adding massage therapy sessions to your self-care regimen can help make long-lasting changes in your whole-body wellness and peace of mind—one Silent Moment at a time.
Looking for a massage in Fort Lauderdale? Please call or stop by our day spa and experience the bodywork, facials, foot therapies, and serene atmosphere at Silent Moment Massage. Find out why our treatments at Silent Moment Massage can be relaxing, rejuvenating, and even life-changing. Carve out and claim the time for YOUR Silent Moment of self-care!