Using FSA/HSA Debit Cards for Massage Therapy Services

Massage therapy plays a massive role, especially when you are dealing with any sort of physical or mental issues. In such times, everyone would like to get one, isn’t it? It has many benefits, like better quality sleep, building immunity, stress management, pain management, and progressive muscle relaxation. 

It covers you with everything, right? But there are times when the budget falls into the picture. Well, no more! Nothing should act as an obstacle, especially when you are looking forward to getting a relaxing massage. This is where cards like FSA (Flexible spending account) and HSA (Health savings account) come into play. 

These unique cards help you keep your money aside for different medical expenditures, such as massage therapies. That sounds interesting, isn’t it? It surely does! Let’s dive into the healthcare sector’s niche and look at how you can quickly pay for your massage therapy through your health insurance plan.

What are HSA & FSA Debit Cards?

Let us look at an HSA first (health savings account). Simply put, an HSA account enables you to save money on pretaxes. The same money can later be used to pay for qualified medical expenses. This is not all; HSA has triple tax advantages. That sounds like icing on the cake, right? Let’s look at each one of them:

  • As an HSA cardholder, you can subtract the money that goes into the account each year to make your contribution. 
  • The money that increases is tax-free.
  • You have all the rights to withdraw this tax-free money and use it for your qualified medical expenses. 

One thing is sure: you will never owe a penny in income taxes, especially on the money you put in your HSA. The only condition is that you use that money for qualified medical expenses. 


Moving ahead, the FSA is a flexible spending account. This benefit program you get through work helps you set aside some money pre-tax. You can use this money to pay for your yearly healthcare expenses. With FSA, you must remember that you must be able to use the money in the account within the same year you make the contribution. Just know that if you fail to do so, you will likely lose that money. Yet again, there are a few options that the companies do provide, provided you can choose one out of the given choices, which are: 

  • You’ll have a 2.5-month grace period after the end of the year to use your FSA funds.
  • You will likely carry up to $570 per year in medical expenses in the upcoming year. 

Difference Between HSA and FSA Cards

Though there is just a difference in the alphabet here, meaning the two terms are only separated by just one letter, H and F. However, there is a massive difference between these two. Let us dive into the differences between HSA and FSA cards. 





Rollover funds The funds in HSA roll each year The funds in FSA have more limitations
Tie-ups HSA is not tied to your employer; it is tied to you FSA is wholly tied to your employer and will not follow up on your next job
Coverage $3650 is solely for self-coverage, and $7300 is for family coverage The employer determines it, but it is limited to $2850
Qualification requirement It needs a high-deductible health plan to qualify It does not need any health plan to qualify
Tax return reports It requires to report on tax return It does not require to report on tax return


These differences can help you better understand these cards and how to use FSA/HSA Debit Cards for Massage.

Conditions Covered Under FSA/HSA

These unique FSA and HSA cards can easily cover several conditions. You must be curious to know what can be covered using these cards. Read on to find the answer to your burning question. The foremost thing you need to note about these cards is that with HSA and FSA, you typically pay for your expenses with a debit card, and the funds are debited from your account.

Another option is to pay with your funds and later submit a receipt for the reimbursement. In such cases, just be sure and cautious to keep your receipt if you must provide proof of the medical expense you incurred. Let us look at the conditions that are easily covered by HSA and FSA cards.

  • Blood sugar test kits for diabetics
  • Acupuncture
  • Contact lenses and solutions
  • Dental care
  • Drugs prescription
  • Hearing aids and batteries
  • Infertility treatments
  • Laser eye surgery
  • Physical therapy
  • Vision exams
  • Hypertension
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

FSA/HSA Debit Card Savings

Savings with these FSA and HSA cards are massive; yes, you read that right. Now, you must wonder how much you can save on a massage using either card. Using an FSA card for massage therapy saves up to 30-40% annually. This is not it. If you are a saving freak and want to save more, consider and look forward to a monthly massage membership. 

That said, FSA for Massage Therapy will be a game changer for you. Moving ahead with HSA, you must contact your insurance company and confirm with the provider before moving forward. After you’re all done with the qualification process with your provider, next up is: you can easily book an appointment with your massage therapist and get that massage done. 

Can You Use FSA for Massage?

Yes, a therapeutic massage is considered eligible under FSA. Just ensure a prescription from a renowned doctor accompanies the same. If you have been thinking and looking forward to using your FSA for massage, you first need to get a letter of medical necessity (LMN) to be considered for FSA eligibility.

Ensure that your document is precise. It should outline and define the diagnosis or medical condition that needs massage therapy as part of the treatment plan. Also, remember to ask the doctor to mention the frequency and duration of the treatment specifically. With the help of the letter of medical necessity, it’ll become way more manageable for you to put in your claims for massage therapy expenses to your FSA administrator to claim reimbursement.

5 Convenient Steps to Use HSA or FSA for Massage Therapy

Reach Out to Your Medical Insurance Carrier

The first and foremost step in using your HSA or FSA is to contact your insurance company or employer, depending on what you plan to use for massage therapy. It is crucial to ask if massage therapy can be covered by these cards at all.

Remember that sometimes, the insurance policy does not cover massages, even after you get a prescription from the doctor. That said, it is of the utmost importance to reach out to your insurance provider or HR before you make a final call to get the massage.

Consult a Doctor

The second step is visiting the doctor. Once you have approval from the insurance company provider or your HR head, you should consult a doctor immediately. You can mention the symptoms you are currently facing and wait for the doctor to prescribe what he thinks would be the best way for you to get back in a suitable form.

Remember, several physical and mental conditions eventually qualify for a massage. The list includes various symptoms such as stress-related symptoms, diabetes issues, anxiety, depression, chronic back pain, arthritis, hypertension, and the list is endless. Still, these things do qualify for massage therapy.

Gear up for the discussions with your doctor regarding your symptoms. Plus, don’t fret because several studies on the web prove that people with massive symptoms have been cured and recovered fully with the help of massage therapies.

Get a Prescription

After you have discussed your situation with the doctor, the next step is to get a prescription. Ensure you get the prescription in writing from the doctor, as it will act as proof when you want to claim your HSA or FSA. There are a few things that the doctor is going to mention in your prescription, and those are:

  • A strong reason as to why you need massage therapy.
  • The number of sessions you will need to heal and cure your issue.
  • The complete duration of the massage sessions.

And finally! This is all that you need. This might sound daunting, but just know that getting a prescription from the doctor is way easier than how it appears to be.

Research Out a Reputable Massage Bar

The next step is to find the most appropriate or reputable massage bar for your massage. This step will require you to conduct due diligence to find the best massage parlor. There are a few things that you can do to ensure that you end up with the best massage place for yourself.

You must be wondering what we are referring to, right? Before you fix your appointment, ensure you talk to the therapist first. Then, ensure that the massage bar or the therapist you choose for yourself is clean, as you do not want to put yourself further at risk.

Then, ensure that you ask about their training and education. It will help determine an experienced, trained, licensed massage therapist for the bar. For instance, Silent Moment Spa excels in all these aspects and stand out as a perfect massage bar to rejuvenate.

Use Your HSA or FSA for Massage

Tda! The last step is to make the most out of all that you’ve been working for. It is the time to use your HSA or FSA for massage. After you have completed the four steps mentioned above, you can finally get your massage done.

It might be daunting to work around the four steps yet again. Just know that the fruit will impress you anyway. So, dig in and make the most of your HSA or FSA cards.

Things to Keep in Mind While Using FSA/HSA Debit Cards for Massage

There are a few things that you need to keep in mind, especially when you are looking forward to using your FSA or HSA debit card for massage. This isn’t to scare you away but to help you understand and be aware so you are all prepared.

First, when you request a prescription from your doctor for massage therapy, ensure that you are coming with the right intentions. Remember that your medical insurance solely aims to cover your medical expenditures. That said, massage therapy can be one of the best ways to enhance your health conditions.

Then, be sure to use your HSA and FSA for massage therapies only if you have a definite prescription from your doctor. Furthermore, keeping a record of the same for taxes is vital.

Silent Moment Spa — An Elite Massage Bar at Your Rescue!

Now that you have had a glimpse into how beautifully you can make the most out of your HSA or FSA debit cards. Just know that Silent Moment Spa can be your one-stop solution if you are looking for the best massage bars.

With the best-in-class infrastructure and experienced and licensed masseuse, we’ve covered everything you need for your massage. That sounds exciting, doesn’t it? We understand that choosing a massage bar is one investment in life, so we ensure you the best journey towards rejuvenation and relaxation.

Our professional experts understand that your body needs the utmost care and the best massage to heal and cure, so we are committed to serving you with the best services.

The Bottom Line: Getting the Best Out of Your FSA/HSA Cards

Making the best use of your FSA or HSA can be exciting. Additionally, using this health insurance to help you keep fit and healthy is more like icing on the cake. You can make the most of it by knowing when to use which insurance, FSA or HSA.

Remember that, typically, with HSA or FSA, you initially pay using your debit card and then submit the receipt to claim your reimbursement. So, keep your receipts with you, as they will be required for further documentation.

Stick with the best massage bar to make the most of these excellent health insurance cards. That said, Silent Moment Spa is one spot that can act as a one-stop solution for all your massage-related queries. So, what are you waiting for now? Scroll through our catalog or visit us to book your next massage appointment.